De prestaties van Donald Trump die je waarschijnlijk niet hebt meegekregen

Love him or hate him. Dat sentiment past perfect bij de beeldvorming over de 45e president van de Verenigde Staten, Donald Trump. En laten we reëel zijn; het is niet gemakkelijk om van een narcistische, botte en op het eerste gezicht roekeloze CIS-gender witte miljardair te houden. Zelf reken ik mensen echter altijd af op hun daden en in iets mindere mate op hun woorden. Ongeacht hun RAL-codering, genderidentiteit of mythologie van voorkeur. En juist die feitelijke waarheidsvinding inzake de prestaties van de meest actieve Twitter-opa aller tijden is in onze media ver te zoeken. Objectiviteit is haram, want er is per interne memo door bijna alle nieuws,- en opiniemedia besloten dat Trump niet deugt. Want hij is Republikein, een enorm succesvolle zakenman (slechts 6 faillissementen van zijn meer dan 500 bedrijven/participaties) en ook nog eens een celebrity die een anti-held speelde in veel televisieprogramma’s.

Maar wat heeft Trump nou echt gedaan dat zo slecht is voor Amerika? Of voor de wereld? Nogmaals: het is een zakenman die ‘The Art of the Deal’ schreef en daarmee een handleiding voor zijn manier van onderhandelen aan eenieder die het maar wilde lezen aanreikte. Ik kan u verzekeren dat bijna geen enkele ‘Amerika-deskundige’ of ‘buitenlandcorrespondent’ dit gelezen heeft, want dan zouden ze zijn besluitvormingen veel beter kunnen voorspellen dan alle planken die ze tot dusverre over zijn a-politieke leiderschapsstijl hebben misgeslagen. Tel daarbij op dat hij zijn salaris als president doneert aan Goede Doelen, en nooit is betrapt op zelfverrijking in zijn rol als president. Jazeker, het is hem vaak aangewreven, net zoals zijn ‘Rusland connectie’, maar in al die maanden is dat slechts beperkt gebleven tot beschuldigingen met veelal anonieme bronnen. Vandaar het veel gebezigde ‘fake news’. En daar zit simpelweg een kern van waarheid in.

Dus rest ons niets anders dan feitelijk en objectief te kijken naar wat hij dan wél heeft bereikt. En dat is nog best lastig om terug te vinden in onze Nederlandse media-annalen. Enorm verrassend, gezien dit bijna alleen maar bestaat uit braaf overgetypte ANP en andere gelijkgeschakelde MSM-berichten. Met als gevolg dat je dan, zoals ik vaak doe, diverse Amerikaanse (lokale) platformen moet gaan afstruinen. Nu ben ik zelf geen inwonende van de Verenigde Staten en heb ik geen tijd om alles bij te houden, maar de Reddit-gebruiker unseen1_unseen is dat wel en heeft alles netjes op een rij gezet. Om even in het achterhoofd te houden terwijl je een scroll-blessure krijgt van onderstaande opsomming, is dat het handig is om te scheiden wat veel Amerikanen vinden dat goed is voor hen en wat de rest van de wereld (hoofdzakelijk media en politici) vindt dat goed is en deugt. Duaal perspectief dus. In ieder geval: love it or hate it. Maar we moeten het er toch mee doen. En in veel gevallen is dat zo slecht nog niet.



  2. $350+ billion deal with Saudi Arabia ($110 billion in arms $250 billion in trade/investment) creating 100,000’s of jobs in both countries, historic.
  3. Pulled out of PARIS ACCORD
  4. Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico, made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. This will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
  5. Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
  6. Sec Ross has slapped more than $2 billion in fines on China and Canada for illegal trade practices.
  7. U.S. Department of Agriculture has reached agreement with Chinese officials on final details of a protocol to allow the U.S. to begin the beef exports to China (6/12/17). The first beef has been imported to China (06/30/17)
  8. Renegotiations of KORUS ( South Korean )trade deal announced on 06/30/17) started per White House week of (07/14/17)
  9. The first shipment of LNG to Poland (07/08/17) per Foreign policy
  10. Pres Trump attended the Three Seas summit in Central Europe to begin the opening up of energy and other economic trade between central/east Europe and the USA (07/6/17) per Time
  11. The United States Trade Representative released its objectives for upcoming NAFTA negotiations (07/18/17)
  12. Canceled the Cuba Trade deal done by Obama (06/16/17)
  13. Enforcement of U.S. trade law is a prime focus of the Trump administration. From January 20, 2017, through July 21, 2017, Commerce has initiated 54 antidumping and countervailing duty investigations – a 40 percent increase from the previous year. (07/21/17) per Sec Ross of Commerce.
  14. The Commerce Department will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to collect cash deposits from importers of steel concrete reinforcing bar from Taiwan in an effort to stop dumping (07/21/17)
  15. Since the Presidential Summit at Mar-lar-go, the first 100 days USA made progress on important trade issues including credit ratings, bond clearing, electronic payments, commercial banking, and liquefied natural gas. Also, this is the first time since 2003 that the Chinese have allowed for imports of American beef, (07/19/17) per Commerce and Treasury Dept.

On Economy

  1. Unemployment rate 4.4% u-3 and 8.6% U6 (for June 07/07/17)
  2. 222,000 Jobs created in June per BLS (07/7/17)
  3. Stock Market at Historic Highs (Dow up 18%, NASDAQ up 21.5%, S&P 500 up 14.9% since election day as of 07/18/17)
  4. US homes prices climb at fastest pace In 3 years at an avg of 7% year over year rate per CNBC (06/06/17)
  5. Jobless claims hit 28 year low in last week of April per Labor Department.
  6. Thurs July 13th claims report also showed the number of people still receiving benefits after an initial week of aid decreased 20,000 to 1.95 million in the week ended July 1. The continuing claims have now been below 2 million for 13 straight weeks, pointing to a strong labor market. (07/13/17) per CNBC
  7. OPEC broken can no longer set prices due to USA energy production unleashed per CNN money (05/18/17)
  8. Secured $50 billion investment from Japan Japanese telecom and internet conglomerate SoftBank (12/06/16) per WAPO
  9. Secured $20 billion investment from Exxon in US Gulf coast refinery (03/07/17) per CNBC
  10. Gasoline at $1.95/gallon in Central NC lowest price in 12 years. (7/23/17)
  11. Gas Prices Drop to 12-Year Low for July 2017 per AAA
  12. Repealed 14 Obama regulations via CRA saving $60 billion in costs to the economy yearly per American Action Forum (04/20/17)
  13. GDP early estimate for 2nd quarter is 2.6% per commerce department. 1.2% higher than 2nd Qrt growth in 2016
  14. Federal debt is 132,273,000 billion LOWER since Dec 30th 2016 (as of 06/30/17) per
  15. Federal surplus was $182 billion at end of Apr (unexpected) per US Treasuary
  16. Consumer confidence increased to a near 16 year high in June per CNBC (06/27/17)
  17. Small business confidence remains at highest levels in more than a decade per CNBC (07/11/17)
  18. North Dakota experiencing a boom since Dakota access pipeline finished (500,000 Barrels now flowing through pipeline per day) per AP (05/13/17)
  19. Keystone pipeline approved by State Department (03/24/17) construction ongoing…
  20. 1,079,000 JOBS created since Jan1st (per BLS) 1,395,000 per ADP (07/07/17)
  21. Directed Dep’t of Commerce to streamline Federal permitting processes for domestic manufacturing
  22. Launched United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau
  23. Cut 1.6 billion costs from Air Force one and F-35 airplanes.
  24. Regulatory freeze on all federal governmental agencies via EO signed (1/30/17)
  25. Making agencies cut 2 regulations for each new one. OMB reporting that as of June 2017 the real ratio is closer to 16 to 1 per Washington Examiner (07/19/17)
  26. Saw the opening of the first NEW COAL MINE IN PA in YEARS creating 70 jobs at the mine and more than 400+ supporting jobs in the community. (06/10/17) Per foxnews.
  27. Coal prices for Central Appalachian coal has increased 8.95% this year. Increasing the economy for SE OH, SW PA, VA, MD and WVA
  28. Maine unemployment at 32 year low. The State dept of unemployment forced to layoff people because of lack of claims (06/14/17) per Bangordailynews
  29. Food Stamp spending is down almost $1 billion per month and $12 billion per year per USAD
  30. Black unemployment at a 17 year low in May at 7.5% per Bureau of Labor Statistics. (06/24/17)
  31. Coal mining rose 19% in USA for first 5 months per US energy Department
  32. 1st qrt GDP revised up to 1.4%
  33. USA now pumping 500k more barrels of oil per day since Dec 31st. Now at 9.3 million bpd. 3rd in the world only 1.2 million bdp behind Russia and Saudi Arabia per energy department
  34. USA is the world leader in natural gas production and continues to increase production
  35. Institute for Supply Management says its manufacturing index rose to 57.8 last month(June) from 54.9 in May. Anything above 50 signals that factory activity is increasing (07/03/17)
  36. 15 of 18 manufacturing industries posted growth in JUNE per ISM (07/03/17)
  37. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistics for fiscal year (FY) 2017 show that food stamp enrollment decreased nationwide by 2.9 percent over the past year (07/05/17)
  38. Oil exports FROM the USA are running at 1.3million BPD worth more than $1.5 billion per month to the economy. Per NYT (07/5/17)
  39. Crude exports from Corpus Christi have already increased from an average of 68,000 barrels a day during the first half of 2016 to 384,000 barrels a day this April NYT (07/05/17)
  40. India-based information technology outsourcing company Infosys plans to hire 2,000 workers within for years in North Carolina and 10,000 total in USA. Infosys emphasized Thursday that the jobs created as part of its U.S. expansion would go to American workers. Per Charlotte Observer (07/06/17)
  41. Trade deficit fell 2.2 % in the month of May on higher exports and less imports. China imports dropped 6.1% and Mexico imports increased 5.8% Trade deficit for the year is still growing by about 13.1% yoy per Breitbart even with the drop in May’s numbers. It will take a while to turn the ship but the ship is turning (07/06/17)
  42. Labor participation rate 62.8% (07/07/17)
  43. In June, mining employment grew by 8,000, with most of the growth in support activities for mining (+7,000). Since a recent employment low in October 2016, mining has added 56,000 jobs. (07/07/17) per BLS
  44. FICO scores for Americans has hit and ALL time high per CNBC (07/11/17)
  45. Expedited the permitting and approval processes of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminals and exports, including the approval of the Lake Charles LNG terminal in Louisiana.guidance from the Treasury Department to allow the United States to export coal.(first 6 months)
  46. Expedited new pipeline approval and production such as the New Burgos Pipeline to Mexico. (First 6 months)
  47. Updated guidance from the Treasury Department to allow the United States to export coal.
  48. Signed the Buy American, Hire American EO on (04/18/17)
  49. President Trump signed an Executive Order, making it easier for businesses to start and expand apprenticeship programs (06/15/17)
  50. FOXCONN making of LCD screens announced at White House they are investing $10 billion into new plant in WI bringing up to 13,000 high paying jobs to WI. (07/26/17)
  51. Coal EXPORTS increased by 60.3% for 2017 per US EIA data (07/28/17)
  52. US inflation at a 8 month low at 1.6% per BLS due in part to Pres Trump’s energy policy keeping gas prices low. (07/17/17)
  53. Pres Trump promoted a policy to leverage $200 billion in his budget proposal into a $1 trillion of projects to privatize the air traffic control system, strengthen rural infrastructure and repair bridges, roads and waterways. (06/07/17) per Reuters

On Immigration

  1. Authorized DHS to hire 10,000 ICE officers & 5,000 border patrol agents
  2. Secured funding for more immigration judges for deportation cases in 2017 budget
  3. Ended “catch and release” policy
  4. ICE arrests up 40% as of May
  5. ICE arrests are 75% criminal illegals as of May
  6. Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities polices making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
  7. 70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in first 6 months per head of ICE (07/18/17)
  8. No Cuban refugees seen by Coast Guard in Apr 2017 first time in 7 years
  9. Open bidding and plans submitted for the WALL. Finalists selected prototypes to be unveiled this fall per CBP official/Breitbart news. Process being held up by lawsuits on bidding process per ABC news (07/27/17)
  10. 6ft chain linked fences being replaced by 20ft hardened steel fencing at border (05/04/17) per White house
  11. More than 3311 gang members have been arrested by ICE as of 07/25/17) per White house briefing by ICE director
  12. This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016 per Breitbart news (05/28/17)
  13. Texas has passed a law outlawing sanctuary cities (05/08/17)
  14. Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N per Breitbart (05/19/17)
  15. The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama (06/09/17) per Reuters
  16. Per Sec Kelly Plans are to start building the WALL by end of summer.
  17. Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000 limit has been reached as of 07/12/17). USA now closed to refugee without a close connection to the USA
  18. per Breitbart Sec Kelly has refused to expand H2-B visa program in FY 2017. Update 06/22/17 Sec Kelly will expand the H2-b visa program for a limited number of businesses that are in danger of failing and can’t find employment (15,000 visa) per breitbart.
  19. Pres Trump and Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
  20. Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
  21. In fiscal year 2017 so far, ICE has removed over 3311 criminal gang members, compared to 2,057 criminal gang members in all of fiscal year 2016. (07/27/17) per Whitehouse
  22. Per Sec Kelly 66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
  23. Kate’s Law passed the House (06/29/17)
  24. No Sanctuary Cities Law Passed the House (06/29/17)
  25. Illegal immigrant arrests in San Diego, Ca have more than doubled from 2016 and 2015 figures per the San Diego Union Tribune (07/04/17)
  26. In a reversal of Obama administration policy, federal prosecutors with Operation Streamline are filing criminal charges against migrants the first time they are caught crossing the border illegally. Per and breitbart (07/05/17)
  27. Refugee Arrivals Plummet in Week After Supreme Court Ruling on Trump Executive Order per Breitbart and Department of State website (07/05/17)
  28. The International Entrepreneur Rule obama era loophole was closed by DHS on (07/11/17). The rule allowed illegals to stay in the country for 2 and half years if they were “starting a business” per breitbart.
  29. ICE crackdown in Pueblo scaring some families back to Mexico per the Pueblo chieftain (07/10/17)
  30. House subcommittee includes $1.6 billion in funds for Wall in approbations bill (07/12/17) goes to full house for vote. Passed Full House (07/25/17)
  31. DHS proposes rule change to increase length (from 2 weeks to 90 days) and Distance (from 100 miles from the border to entire USA) for people to be immediately deported freeing up courts and stopping the lawfare over immigration. (07/15/17 ) per dailymail
  32. Thomas D. Homan, acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said in an interview that since Trump entered office, illegal border crossings have crashed by almost 70 percent, “an historic low,” arrests inside the country have jumped 40 percent and that demands for illegal criminals in local jails has skyrocketed 80 percent. (07/18/17) per Washington Examiner
  33. AG Sessions said one goal of DOJ is to totally end illegal immigration (07/18/17) per Breitbart
  34. The Trump Administration is providing funding for the Texas National Guard’s efforts to assist in securing the state’s border with Mexico per Breitbart (07/18/17)
  35. Acting ICE Director Thomas D. Homan said he is going to deploy more officers and agents to “sanctuary cities” to arrest illegal criminal (07/18/17) per Washington examiner
  36. President Trump ordered the creation of the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) office at DHS, ensuring that our Government can no longer ignore the victims of criminal acts by illegal aliens. (04/26/17)
  37. Trump administration has changed the focus of a Department of Homeland Security immigrant citizenship training program managed by USCIS to “assimilation,” a significant shift from the Obama era focus on “integration.” Per Breitbart (07/28/17)
  38. AG Sessions announced new policy on Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance grants which provide $100’s of millions. The new policy refuses to give them to sanctuary cities. (07/25/17)


  1. Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
  2. DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers (05/12/17) per DOJ
  3. DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds (06/08/17) per Washington Examiner
  4. Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
  5. More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
  6. DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs (02/07/17) per POTUS EO
  7. No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO (02/07/17)
  8. Fired FBI director who is and was a nutjob.
  9. Nominated Wray for FBI director, confirmation hearing 07/12/17. Confirmed by committee, waiting for full senate confirmation (07/20/17)
  10. Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
  11. AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
  12. Operation Broken Heart lead by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
  13. AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
  14. DOJ drops case against the Washington Redskins (06/30/17) the era of Political correctness is over.
  15. AG Sessions continues to back LEO by condemned murder of NYPD on (07/05/17) calling the attack cowardly.
  16. April 13, 2017-Under President Trump, The Justice Department prosecuted two doctors and one other for practicing female genital mutilation– the first such prosecutions under a federal law passed by Congress in 1996 prohibiting the practice.
  17. June 30, 2017—The Trump Administration sent 20 ATF agents to Chicago to help the city fight gun violence.
  18. AG Sessions and Deputy AG visit GITMO to see operations and conditions in effort to frame future Trump policy on Gitmo. (07/07/17)
  19. AG Sessions and Sec Price announce the biggest ever Healthcare Fraud operation. Arresting 412 people including Doctors who have committed more than 1.3 Billion in medical fraud including opiod fraud. (07/13/17)
  20. AG Sessions/FBI took down largest dark web site Alphabay (07/20/17)
  21. Pres Trump took to twitter to push AG Sessions to drain the swamp in the DOJ/FBI week of (07/24/17)
  22. AG Sessions issued new policy on civil asset forfeiture (07/19/17) per DOJ

ON Congressional and Executive action

  1. Confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS (04/07/17)
  2. Signed 39+ Laws so far
  3. Signed more than 30+ EO
  4. Pres Trump signed EO directing his interior secretary to review the designation of dozens of national monuments on federal lands, calling the protection efforts “a massive federal land grab” by previous administrations. (04/25/17)
  5. Obamacare repeal and replace passed House stuck/ Failed in Senate (07/28/17)
  6. Pres Trump admin is reviewing all regulations. At the end of June 2017 his admin have done away with 860 regulations so far saving $billions to the economy per OMB and Brietbart (07/21/17)
  7. Tax cuts and reform moving through Congress waiting on obamacare repeal. On 07/26/17 the border adjustment tax (BAT) was dropped by the House freeing up movement on tax reform.
  8. Submitted 2018 Budget that cuts spending and gives a pathway to a balanced budget in 10 years. (05/23/17)
  9. Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states (02/27/17)
  10. Instituted 5-year lobbying ban for all Executive branch appointees (01/28/17)
  11. Instituted permanent lobbying ban for foreign governments for all Executive branch appointees (01/28/17)
  12. Banned aid helping foreign countries provide abortions (Mexico City Policy) (01/23/17)
  13. Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence had first meeting on 07/19/17)
  14. Returned the mission of NASA to space exploration (03/21/17)
  15. Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA per State department and DHS
  16. Signed Two bills into Law on June 2nd that makes it easier for family members of slain LEO to get benefits and that helps hire Veterans as LEO
  17. Sec of VA is starting process to combine the DOD and VA medical records to improve Veteran’s health. Massive shift in government policy (06/05/17)
  18. Pushing a massive overhaul of our FAA Air Traffic control (06/05/17)
  19. House votes to roll back Dodd Frank goes to the Senate (06/08/17)
    1. Senate votes for VA accountability act. Goes to House passed house 06/13/17 major victory for Trump agenda signed into law on 06/23/17
  20. Rolled out an apprentice program to train skilled works to fill 6 million open positions. (06/10/17)
  21. The U.S. Treasury Department unveiled a sweeping plan on to upend the country’s financial regulatory framework, 80% of which will be done from the executive side and does not need Congress. MAGA!!!!! (06/13/17)
  22. Signed EO to reshape the education system of the USA to include votech and apprenticeships (06/13/17)
  23. Did away with rules requiring the Federal government to report on the Y2K bug 17 years after 2000.
  24. President Donald Trump signed an executive order creating an accountability and whistleblower protection office at the Department of Veterans Affairs.(04/ 27/2017)
  25. Sec Zinke moves to purge the Interior department of Obama holdovers (6/16/17 per Washington post)
  26. Energy Department eliminating the Office of International Climate and Technology
  27. 22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
  28. Environmental Protection Agency has ended a nearly $1 million program that provided gym memberships for employees
  29. 5-0 in special elections (GA6 primary, KS, MT, GA6 final election, SC)
  30. Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
  31. TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land. (06/26/17)
  32. ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
  33. Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
  34. Signed agreement to construct oil pipeline into Mexico per Pres trump speech
  35. Opening up LNG centers to ship LNG across the world (06/29/17)
  36. Introduced 6 point plan to unleash American energy (off shore, Nuclear, coal, NG,Oil, renewable) (06/29/17)
  37. President Trump Signs EO Reviving the National Space Council (06/30/17)
  38. Pentagon halts Obama’s transgender plan (07/01/17 per Breitbart)
  39. Sec Devos has stopped two obama regulations from going into effect which would have harmed for profit colleges. The Gainful Employment rule and the Borrower Defense rule (06/30/17)
  40. On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
  41. Reduced White House expenses by $22 million by reducing staffing levels from Obama levels. Doing more with less
  42. Pres Donald Trump’s first-quarter salary donation will help fund the restoration of two projects at Antietam National Battlefield, Department of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced Wednesday per Breitbart (07/05/117)
  43. Returned the Winston Churchill bust back to the Oval Office and Kept the Martin Luther King Jr bust proving we can respect and honor both men. Something Obama was unable or unwilling to do.
  44. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke ordered the agency to resolve a backlog of more than 2,000 oil and natural gas permit applications for drilling on public lands per Washington Examiner (07/06/17)
  45. The Department of Veterans Affairs announced (07/07/17) 747 disciplinary actions including 526 employees who were fired since January 20th 2017 per CBS news (07/07/17) suspended 200, demoted 33 (22 of which were senior management) and per White house (07/20/17)
  46. Sec Carson of HUD announced a $500+ billion “error” in the Obama HUD’s 2015 and 2016 budgets was found by an Audit completed by the Office of Inspector General (04/08/17) per CBN
  47. He had ordered that he gets 2 scoops of Ice Cream per CNN so might be fake news:)
  48. Working hard to get the Olympics for the United States (L.A.) (07/10/17) per POTUS twitter
  49. House cuts State Department funding by 17% in approbations bill (07/12/17) goes to full House for vote
  50. The Department of Veterans Affairs has acted to increase transparency and accountability by launching an online “Access and Quality Tool” to provide veterans a way to access wait time and quality of care data. (07/20/17) per White House
  51. President Trump signed legislation allowing our veterans to receive care outside of the Veterans Affairs medical system.
  52. President Trump created the Office of American Innovation to streamline and improve the Government for future generations. (03/27/17)
  53. Starting later this year, all honorably discharged veterans, no matter their branch of service, will be eligible to shop tax-free online at the Army & Air Force Exchange Service with the same discounts they enjoyed on base while in the military per AP news service (07/21/17)
  54. Pres Trump commissioned the U.S.S Ford into service, 100,000 tons of America Might. (07/22/17)
  55. Pres Trump reversed Obama policy on Trans genders serving in the military via twitter (07/26/17)
  56. House abandons border adjust tax idea in major win for Pres Trump’s tax reform push (07/27/17) major defeat for Ryan
  57. Pres Trump threatens to end subsidies/bailout payments to insurance companies and congressional staff if repeal and replace of Obamacare is not passed via twitters breathing new life into the repeal effort (07/29/17)
  58. In first 6 months Pres Trump has signed more than 150 EO, memoranda and proclamations per White House .gov site (07/29/17)

On Politics

  1. President Trump’s job approval rating in the American counties that fueled his 2016 victory stands at 50 percent, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll of these “Trump counties. (07/16/17) per NBC
  2. PPD poll from OH has Pres Trump at 54% approval to 41% disapproval (07/15/17) per PPD poll
  3. RNC continues to have record high monthly funding contributions while the DNC continues to have record low contributions (07/20/17) per all news sources
  4. Americans have never felt better, 74% very happy per rasmussenreports (07/20/17)
  5. Number of registered lobbyists plunges 14% in 2017 per Breitbart (07/25/17) showing efforts at draining the swamp are getting some results.
  6. Rep Steve Scalise was released from the hospital (07/26/17) prayers answered.
  7. Pres Trump revived the tradition that Obama stopped of POTUS speaking at Boy Scouts jamboree. He spoke to 45,000 Boy Scouts (07/25/17) .
  8. Russia hoax suffered big defeat this week. Fake media not even reporting on it anymore (07/29/17)

On Foreign Policy

  1. Secured a 34,000 Arab force to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria
  2. Sent 3 carrier battle groups to NK to pressure them on nuclear program, installed THADD in SK and Japan
  3. Working with China on NK but results are not going well as of (07/29/17).
  4. Sent Navy to South China Sea to secure sea lines
  5. Fired 60 Tomahawks after a gas attack in Syria
  6. Got the G7 countries to agree that a nation has a right to control migration and immigration
  7. Had G7 countries agree NK was a threat
  8. Had G7 nations agree that Trade should be FAIR as well as FREE and that nations can punish non fair trade
  9. Had NATO agree to pay more and got more countries to pay their fair share of defense pact (increasing by $10 billion contributions)
  10. Have met with more than 100 of the world leaders many at the white house
  11. Pulled out of Paris Accord and freed the USA from the economic Slavery Obama sold us into
  12. Have surrounded ISIS in Iraq and Syria strongholds
  13. Have killed the ISIS commander in Afghanistan and reduced their strength by 2/3rd in Afghanistan
  14. Dropped the MOAB on ISIS killing more than 90 ISIS fighters
  15. First sitting POTUS to pray at the Western Wall
  16. Restarted peace process between Israel and PLO
  17. Visited the lands of the three major religions in the world
  18. Opening of center to defeat radical Islam in cyberspace during Saudi Arabia visit. One orb to find them and in the darkness and bind them.
  19. Gave powerful speech in the heart of Islam about the need to reform Islam and drive out the radicals
  20. Had G7 countries agree that refugees should stay as close as possible to home country and be returned when the threat is gone
  21. Got the Arab nations to cut ties to Qatar for funding terrorists, massive historic shift in diplomatic actions in the Muslim world.
  22. Started the assault on Raqqa in Syria to defeat ISIS on June 6th 2017.
  23. Got Romania to up it’s NATO funding to 2.1% of GDP
  24. Has the Special Forces helping relieve siege in Philippines.
  25. Visited Poland, gave a historic speech in Warsaw and attended the Three Seas summit (07/05/16)
  26. Pres Trump’s State department secured the release of American citizen Otto Warmbeir from NK without paying $400 million ransom
  27. Pres Trump admin secured the release of American citizen, Aya Hijazifor, from Egypt Jail without paying $400 million ransom.
  28. Obama appointed Ambassador to Qatar “quit” during the biggest Crisis in Qatar’s history. What was she hiding?
  29. Gave Sec Mattis authority to set troop numbers in Afghanistan to turn the tide of the war. 06/16/17 .
  30. Rolled back Obama’s Cuban policy. 06/16/17
  31. Canada promised to increase defense spending by 70% (06/16/17)
  32. Gulf Countries sent Qatar a list of demands to defund terrorism, reject the Muslim brother hood so Qatar can return to the fold, direct consequence of Pres Trump’s trip to the Middle East. Qatar has since rejected these demands setting a possible military conflict (updated 06/30/17). Sec Tillerson is working hard to solve crisis diplomatically (07/11/17)
  33. NATO countries (excluding the US) increase defense spending by 4.3% from last year per daily mail and breitbart(06/30/17).
  34. Per Iraq military Mosul has fallen. ISIS no longer controls the city. Just a couple pockets of resistance left per independent (06/30/17) PM of IRAQ declares the complete pacification of the city (7/09/17)
  35. Imposed Sanctions on major China Bank for its funding of North Korea and has declared the admin will work to cut North Korea off from access to the US financial market. (06/29/17)
  36. Approved a $1.42billion arms deal with Taiwan (07/02/17)
  37. Reached out by Twitter to offer help to save baby Charlie Gard and has started the conversation on Baby Charlie’s fate. (07/03/17). UK refused to allow Baby Charlie to leave and he died on (07/28/17)
  38. The US ambassador to the UN threatens China and other countries that trade with North Korea with blockage from the USA market. (07/05/17)
  39. Pres Trump also increases the threat to use trade access to the US market to stop North Korea setting up a potential for a trade war with China and other nations (07/05/17)
  40. Gave a major speech in Warsaw Poland to a crowd of thousands reaffirming Western Civilization (07/6/17)
  41. Pres Trump has had 50% more meetings with foreign leaders than Pres Obama did during the same time period. Per Breitbart (07/06/17)
  42. US, Russia, and Jordan announce ceasefire in Southern Syria (07/07/17) Cease Fire still holding as of (07/29/17)
    1. OLD City walls in Raqqa were breached by US led forces on July 4th 2017. Less than a month after the battle for Raqqa began. Per Economist (07/07/17)
  43. Pres Trump got three major victories in G20. Trade he had the G20 agree that nations can protect themselves from unfair trade. He got them to agree a nation has control over their borders and can control immigration and migration. He stood firm on the climate hoax known as the Paris accords and included the importance of fossil fuels. Per the G20 communiqué (07/08/17)
  44. U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday promised $639 million in aid to feed people left starving because of drought and conflict in Somalia, South Sudan, Nigeria and Yemen. (07/08/17) per Reuters
  45. Sec of State signed a counter terrorism funding agreement with QATAR giving Pres Trump and the Gulf allies major victory and moving along the impasse in the region to a hopeful peaceful solution (07/11/17) per state. Gov
  46. Visited France to hold bilateral meetings and take part in Bastille day marking the 100th anniversary of the USA entering WW1 (07/13/17)
  47. President Donald Trump has sent out another clear message on the worsening political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, promising “strong and swift economic actions” should socialist leader Nicolás Maduro push ahead with plans to create a non-elected “constituent assembly.” (07/18/17) per Breitbart
  48. President Trump has lifted restrictions that had prevented the Secretary of Defense and our commanders in the field from fully using their judgement and expertise. (07/20/17)
  49. The United States sanctioned sixteen entities and individuals that have supported Iran’s military and Revolutionary Guard Corps in the development of drones, fast attack boats, and other military equipment.(07/20/17) per Whitehouse
  50. The Department of the Treasury sanctioned over 25 entities and individuals involved in Iran’s ballistic missile program, ensuring our ability to monitor potentially malicious actors while preventing future acts of terrorism. (07/20/17)
  51. The US has refused to pay $350m in military aid to Pakistan because it is not tackling terrorism, the Pentagon has announced (07/21/17) per FTimes
  52. State Department official in charge of diplomatic security bureau resigned. He was in charge during Benghazi (07/26/17) per WAPO . This continues the exodus of Obama/Clinton holdovers at State. Sec Tillerson has down a major effort to reform the Dept of State over the last several months, including firing the entire “7th floor of State” containing the entire senior Clinton/obama admin team on (1/26/17)




Gisteren verscheen er weer een bizar stuk op het rechtse opinieblog OpinieZ onder de misleidende titel: VN organiseert terreurkampen voor Palestijnse kinderen. Hoewel de website Opiniez wat betreft gangbare dossiers als immigratie, islam, de elite, feminisme, identiteitspolitiek meevaart op de rechtse grachtengordel (TPO/Geenstijl etc) is er één onderwerp waar OpinieZ specifiek voor opgericht lijkt te zijn: Israël. Het doel is alle legitieme kritiek op Israël, op de al vijftig jaar durende bezetting en illegale kolonisatie van de Westbank, mensenrechtenschendingen aldaar, te smoren in een web van laster, leugens en halve waarheden. Een van de geijkte methodes die zij hiervoor gebruiken is het aanwakkeren van haat richting Palestijnen binnen de context van het algemene anti-islam sentiment dat in Nederland gangbaar is geworden.

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Voetveeg: Veilig achter de muur van ironie

De occidentofobische horden bestormen onze vesting met slavernijverleden, kolonialisme en de Holocaust (ow nee, die wordt niet specifiek benoemd want auto-occidentofobisch of zelfs filo-occidentaal in sommige kringen) maar gelukkig zijn ‘wij’ in staat ons arsenaal ironische voetzoekers in stelling te brengen, om zo de autochtone verraders van onze cultuur, heen en weer springend als deden zij een rituele zelfmoorddans op een Ghanese bakplaat, terug de polder in te jagen.

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Het is gedaan met de homobaan in het nieuwe Oosterpark

Gisterenmiddag verzorgde stadsdeel Oost een rondleiding door het verherverbouwde (dixit firma Biereco) Oosterpark. Uw verslaggever van Ons Oosterpark en vertegenwoordiger van het collectief ‘De honden van het Oosterpark’ was daar uiteraard bij aanwezig om de vernieuwing van het lusthof van Oost voor u te verslaan. Enigszins onwennig – ik ben zelf stadsgids maar word snel recalcitrant wanneer ik zelf in een groepje mee moet lopen – gingen we onder leiding van een gids op pad met een dertigtal wat oudere buurtbewoners.

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Belastingdienst, waar ging het mis? deel 1

Gisteren liepen we tegen een foutje van de belastingdienst aan waardoor 400 mensen mogelijk hun baan kwijtraken en de belastingbetalers financieel gedupeerd worden. Na plaatsing van het artikel kregen we al snel van allerlei kanten reacties waaruit blijkt dat er helaas meer mis is bij de belastingdienst.Waar gewerkt wordt mogen fouten gemaakt worden voor de goede orde, maar het is wel handig als men leert van gemaakte fouten. En dat lijkt bij de Belastingdienst niet het geval.

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‘U, burgerlieden alleen behoort de de Salon des Variétes’

De Salons des Variétés van Amsterdam en hun publiek 1839-1854

Op 2 september 1839 opende Joseph Duport de eerste Salon des Variétés van Amsterdam aan de Nes. De Salon des Variétés bood een nieuwe manier van uitgaan in Amsterdam. Een toneelprogramma van meerdere vaudevilles per avondvoorstelling in een klein luxe theater waar tijdens de voorstelling gedronken en gerookt mocht worden. De Salon van Duport was een regelrechte hit in het Amsterdamse uitgaansleven. ‘Deze volks-schouwburg wint gedurig nog al meer in aanzien en achting bij ons publiek, en de meeste avonden der week is de zaal te klein, om de toestromende menigte behoorlijk plaatsing te geven,’ zo meldde het Algemeen Handelsblad in 1840.[1] Een extra bijzonderheid van de Salon van Duport was, volgens schrijver en ‘theaterverheffer’ J.H. Rössing in 1909, dat bezoekers uit zowel de lagere als hogere en zelfs de deftige burgerij haar zouden hebben bezocht en, wegens het ontbreken van rangen, gemengd in de zaal de voorstelling volgden. Er hing een losse sfeer, er werd gebroken met de deftige omgangsvormen in het uitgaansleven die de standenmaatschappij van Amsterdam in de eerste helft van de negentiende eeuw zo kenmerkten.[2]

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Gisteravond kreeg ik opeens het onzalige idee om een ommetje te gaan maken door het prachtige dorp waar ik woonachtig ben. ‘Onzalig’, aangezien ik normaal de stelregel hanteer dat verplaatsingen van meer dan 500 meter aaneengesloten bij voorbaat gemotoriseerd moeten worden afgelegd. Maar goed, ik heb met deze stelregel gebroken en me direct gerealiseerd waarom ik deze altijd hanteerde. Want ondanks de leuke edoch oppervlakkige gesprekken met mijn dorpsgenoten en enkele genuttigde spontaan aangeboden consumpties tijdens deze wandeling, ben ik redelijk verward thuisgekomen. In mijn ooit zo groene dorp is het de mensen in de bol geslagen.
Lees verder “Tuinleed”

Historische verbeelding in Vondels ‘Verovering van Grol’

‘Daer grimmen tegens twee helden onser eeu,

Als oude tiger grimt op jeughdelijcken leeu

Wiens voordeel hy benijd, en heeft sijn’ toorn geslepen,

En scharp gebit gewet, om ’s vyands opgegrepen,

En versch bebloeden roof uyt klem van krommen klaeu

Te rucken met geweld; nu swelt hij paers, nu blaeu

Van gramschap: maer de staert des leeus begint te krullen,

De maen te rysen, en de muyl heel naer te brullen,

Van uyt den schuylhoeck, daer hy’s tigers aenval wacht.’[1]

Zo omschrijft Joost van den Vondel de eerste aanval van het Spaanse ontzettingsleger onder Graaf Hendrik van Bergen op het Staatse leger onder Prins Frederik Hendrik, dat op het punt staat de door de Spanjaarden bezette stad Grol in te nemen. In zijn naar episch heldendicht neigende lofdicht[2] op de Prins van Oranje Frederik Hendrik, Verovering van Grol, bedient de beroemde dichter zich opvallend veel van dierlijke en natuurlijke metaforen om de historische gebeurtenissen die aan het gedicht ten grondslag liggen te vertellen en te verlevendigen. Binnen het gedicht contrasteren de veelvuldig terugkerende dierlijke en natuurlijke beelden enigszins met de redelijk gedetailleerde beschrijving van de daadwerkelijke historische gebeurtenis, het beleg en de slag om Grol in de zomer van 1627.[3] Als experiment zou men kunnen stellen dat dit contrast veroorzaakt wordt door de gedachte dat Vondel zich in dit werk niet alleen als dichter maar ook als geschiedschrijver manifesteert.

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Voetveeg: De hypocrisie van collectief leedvermaak

Medelijden is een persoonlijk gevoel dat niet altijd strookt met wat het collectief van je vraagt. Gisterenavond werd de nationale zondebok van de dag, Hanina Ajarai , gekapitteld in de entertainment talkshow RTL summernight omdat zij in haar wekelijkse column stelde dat de ramp met de MH17 geen enkele snaar bij haar had geraakt in tegenstelling tot de op het voetbalveld in elkaar gezakte Nouri. Een voor iedereen herkenbaar fenomeen en waarheid, alleen mist Hanina de intellectuele en stilistische vaardigheden om daar een goede column over te schrijven. Haar gebrek aan empathie voor een nationale ramp kwam er nogal dom en cru uit. En dan is Hanina ook nog een ‘excuusmoslima’. Een heerlijk dagje #ophef en leedvermaak was geboren.

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Briefje aan Wierd Duk


Beste Wierd,

De afgelopen jaren heb ik met veel belangstelling je dwarse geluid, lees anti-policor, gevolgd. Hoewel ik het lang niet altijd met je eens ben, heb ik de meeste van je artikelen gelezen. Vervolgens ben ik je op Twitter gaan volgen. Het voordeel van Twitter is dat het me de mogelijkheid biedt om af en toe wat tegengas te geven, inhoudelijk natuurlijk. Uiteraard binnen de fatsoensnormen, ik heb zelf ook een hekel aan tweeps die schofferen. Gisteravond bemerkte ik tot mijn verbazing dat je me hebt geblockt op Twitter. De reden schijnt te zijn dat ik een twitteraccount volgde die jou niet aanstaat. Het gaat hier om het account @dukquotes. Een uitermate slecht account dat mijn aandacht trok en waar ik eigenlijk een column over wilde schrijven. Zeker nadat ik ontdekte dat inmiddels ook Rena Netjes met een @NetjesQuotes werd vereerd. Centrale vraag in mijn column was geweest of dit nu een slecht uitgevoerde parodie is of dat er daadwerkelijk iemand met een verborgen agenda aan het framen is. Maar jouw block heeft me doen besluiten om de column te vervangen door dit briefje.

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